Sunday, June 17, 2012

Health online

Learning Portfolio task.

A good friends young son has recently been diagnosed with high functioning autism. There is a lot of press about Autism, but personally I do not understand the different types and what it means to be autistic.

Johnny is 5, and is completing his second year of kinder and will go to a mainstream primary school next year.

Interestingly, because I am not the parent I disregarded sites that operate like forums. I am more attracted to sites that appear factual and not first person based. I think that if I was closer to the person with Autism then I would be more interested in hearing direct personal stories.

First up, I googled ‘Autism in Children’.  I was very excited to find the first site that came up is the Australian site Checking that the information was relevant to our country was going to be my next step! A large portion of self-diagnosis can be incorrect as the information comes from overseas, particularly in the case of illness that have a direct relationship with the environment like hayfever, sinusitis etc.
Raising Children offers parent forums, more information around Autism, signs and how a diagnosis is made. The information is clear ad concise giving the impression of truth. Being also a government supported site adds to the feeling of ‘real’ information. - was the next site that I grabbed.  Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) is a not for profit organisation providing support and services to people with Autism and their families. Aspect appears to be a great organisiation that offers parental support, in-school support and also special camps for autistic children. 


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