Wednesday, December 21, 2011

End of Year Exhaustion or EOYE

Yesterday, I clocked off for the year.  Flicked on my out of office email, switched my phone to voicemail and tried to avoid any work. Being at stay at home mum - this didn't really work for my 4 & 2.5 year olds.  They hassled me, jumped on me and generally conjouled me back into parenthood. One more sleep til Daddy/Hubby is off for the year - then I'm getting me a rest! 

Yesterday was also the day I realised that this blog cannot be part of my upcoming assignment on web presence. You see, I've not created a clear presence here.  So, I need a plan for world domination (well, a plan to successfully pass web101).  It might be about upcycling and recycling in a crafty way. Maybe.

Two phrases struck me this week in our coursework both in regards to the concept of Web 2.0. 
'The architecture of participation' - Tim O'Reilly and the idea of the greater population saying 'I could do that too' -  Clay Shirky Web 2.0 talk. These both speak to me about the inclusiveness of the Web moving forward.  I like to think that Web 2.0 is Dynamic, Moving, Strong and Mine. (maybe someone will quote me one day!)

I've started being a little more brave in my approach to the web 2.0 applications and through creating usernames (our activity for the week) I am beginning my journey. I'm hoping that through this unit I'll start to understand these applications and what they are used for. The social apps of Web 2.0 seem to be a major driver of making the internet a more user friendly for everybody. The reading 'The Wisdom of Chaperones' through its cynical look at the concept of wisdom of crowds helped me see the potential dark  side to collaboration and made me giggle!!  

Assignment 1 - eeeek.

I wish you all a lovely break (if you get one!)


Sunday, December 18, 2011

the World Wide Web and Christmas Lunch

It's a tricky time of year to begin anything, let alone embark on your first go at online university study. I want to study, I want to drink wine. I feel the first assignment talking to me from the laptop, yet I play in the summer evenings outdoors with the kids....and coming up fast is Christmas away with my family. Crazy days.

Week 3 - and what is the world wide web? threw up all sorts of interesting people.  Tim Burners-Lee who created the protocols and languages of the web and then released it all into the public domain in 1993 is truly one of the most brilliant people I've had the honour to learn about...if you have any interest google him!

So, it's the pages that we SEE that are the web. They use the Internet, well, the Internet's technologies to create an easy to read version of what's out there. When sending an email, looking at a web page we are using the web's applications and the Internet's technologies.

I am also loving the theory behind the web, the ideas around non-linear text - I've never considered that behind the science style intelligence of creating hypertext is a psychological theory. I think I managed to get people at Christmas lunch today excited about hypertext!

The kids and husband are fed and quiet - I might even get that assignment underway right now....


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Week 2 and I've fallen out of my schedule already! Steve had the day off work yesterday, rendering it a pretty useless Uni day. Gorgeous day for a family berry picking adventure though!  The small ones are currently being held fast to the tv by a movie and I am about to attempt round 2 of this weeks tasks. Then I will listen to the lecture.

A little later.....

This weeks tutorial included two videos - thank the lord! I was feeling a little overwhelmed. Both the "History of the Internet" and "Warrior of the .Net" really helped me understand through their graphical description what the Internet is about. I found it amazing to see how much happens in just a few seconds. The proxy trace exercise really drove this idea home - how far we can travel from the comfort of our laptop! We used this site to search out where online companies really are. I posted my results on the uni discussion board.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

and so it begins!

A blog! Of my own! My first foray into blogland comes to fruition as part of my learning experience for uni.
This is Thoughtful Thursday of week 1 - WEB101.

We were asked to set up usernames across a number of social media sites.  It made me realise how long I have been a part of the internet. When I first listed items on ebay - you used basic code to enhance your text, when I first had an email address I really didn't have anyone (except others in the office!) to send anything to!

I find it so interesting that in a relatively short period of time the internet has become my main form of communication with the outside world. I read the newspaper online, chat to friends, get child raising tips and look up lots & lots of recipes!
