Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One blog or two? Blogging...

Web101 - Week 5, introduced me to an in-depth view of blogs and blogging.

Types of blogs:
Personal - Original form, often online diary. Often focus on specific subject of interest to the author
Micro - short posts (like twitter)
Corporate - keeping customers up to date with internal developments. e.g. - The Facebook Blog, googleblog, Direct2Dell
Photoblogs - like flickr
Podcasts -Audio file style blogs

Here come my lecture notes - I will try and translate them to make sense!

Media perspectives on blogging....examples show
: age/generation gap
: bloggers may not actually have all that much to say
: too easy to have a blog that in turn forms suspicion

Blogging has been said to be the poster child for Web 2.0

Readings for blogging - very important Rebecca Blood late 1990's as blogs gaining strength.
Blogging platform eg: Blogger, Wordpress, Livejournal

Blogging terminology
Blogpost - Unique entry
Comment/s - ability for interaction
BlogRoll - sidebar, list of other blogs
Permalink - Permanent link to blogpost
Theme (or skin) - with CSS (cascading style sheets)
Feed - RSS
Pocasts, Vlogs - media specific blogs

Technorati - approx 200 million blogs

What were blogs about originally?
Political, media events drive bloggers, tsunami, US election, hurricane katrina

2006 - more japanese language blogs than english
2006 - Time magazine person of the year YOU, touching on creation of media by us. User generated content.

Clay Shirky - Here comes everybody
Rebecca Blood - early influential blogger

Salam Pax - Bagdad Blogger

Jill Walker-Rettberg - Blogging (2008) - READ!

Blogs and/as/or Journalism
2004 - up until 2004 no images of US military service personal in coffins. A photographer blog posted images of coffins with the flag draped over them. Within a week the New York times had picked up the images and they were re-blogged across the globe.
2005 - London Bombings. 2 MOST significant images were taken by individuals on their mobile phones.

Citizen Journalists to have a look at: (US, centre left) (Aus, old left style)

Blogs - examine, refine & filter mainstream media 'gatewatching'. Citizen journalism shows return of the local reporter

Steven Johnson - 2006 blog post - 5 points about Blogging & Journalism

Connect to 5 blogs via RSS: I chose
- Bluebird Vintage
- The Little Mumma
- Liebe Bluhm
- TJ on Illustrations
- The Thriftshop Romantic

Oh man!!  I have so many notes! I truly hop this helps me with Assignment Four!.....
Next up - Wiki's

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is Web 2.0?

Just what you always ask yourself isn't it? What IS Web 2.0?!

And so begins week 4 of notes.....
To describe what Web 2.0, Web 1.0 was named (a retronym).
For example: Web 1
* promise of hyper textual interactivity
* largely read only web instead of the read-write dream
* static pages, websites only web designers could access and create.
Web 2
There is a web 2 tool for almost anything that people CAN DO. Web 2.0 was coined by Tim O'Reilly. Read Tim O'Reilly 'What is Web 2.0' - Napster
personal websites - blogging
brittanica online - wikipedia
publishing - participation
CMS (content management system) - Wikis
Directories (taxonomy) - Tagging (folksonomy)

There has been a conceptual shift in expectation of what the web can and should do

Andrew McAfee 'SLATES'
S - search
L - links
A - authoring (core transition web 1 - web 2)
T - Tags
E - Extensions (software anticipates preferences)
S - Signals

RSS - Really Simple Syndication
Separates the content from the form of a website. - information comes to you via a reader. Only changed sites produce a flag.
Web 2 is about participatory culture as the WWW was originally intended to be.

http// - The State of The Internet (great graphics - full of great stats)

Web Presence Assignment.
- Central Node (core)
- 3 + contributing nodes
- About page- explain identity and theme
"Must convey your identity and a theme"
- EXEGESIS - explanation, justification. - why design? what it achieves? 1000 words essay-like format. APA reference. Use reference to help explain your choices, these references should include readings from the unit.
Contributing nodes - delicious, twitter, flickr, Linkedin - ANY applicable and appropriate Web 2.0 tools. Some examples of web presences:,,

Some characteristics of Web 2.0 (Best, 2006)
- A rich user experience: Web 2.0 sites typically offer the user an interactive experience. The shift toward seeing the web itself as a platform 'CLOUD COMPUTING'

'Architecture of Participation' (Tim O'Reilly)

Web 2.0 tools give us an 'I could do that too' feeling. Empowering the population

Metadata - Data about data

RSS - separating content from form, like in news headlines.
Standards get all the technologies working together creating a seamless user experience -> Ajax, XHTML, CSS & Javascript

read more from - Clay Shirky.
Check out Anthony Anderberg - History of the Internet and Web.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

the flashback continues

Week 3 ..... and the question 'what is the World Wide Web?' is thrust upon us. Let us see if my notes get us any closer to the answer! As with my last post,  these are my notes taken during the weeks lecture. May not make sense, hopefully will do so to my brain.

But first - I found these little gems from the end of the last note taking session:
What did people do with the internet? Email! @ version invented in 1971 Ray Tomlinson
Email made the internet social
Newsgroups - USENETalt* the first chat groups
William Gibson - 'Neuromancer' defined cyberspace

Back to the question at hand...what is the world wide web?
* most popular application on the internet *

Vannevar Bush 'As we may think' 1945
- Machine to retrieve all human knowledge from/to a desktop
- Associative patterns (nodes)

Englebart - "The Mother of all demo's", 1968
- Invented the 'mouse' and demo'd keyboard + mouse interaction

1968 - ARPAnet changed names to Internet
1989/90 - Berners-Lee proposal
1999 - Tim Berners-Lee writes about his original world wide web proposal.

HTTP - hypertext transfer protocol
HTML - hypertext markup language
URL - uniform resource locator

protocols, web server, language and browser editor = world wide web

web server - server sits holding information, sends information - always on.
Browser editor - tool that gave organisation & access to the web

First browser - Mosaic 1.0 released in 1993, making the web accessible and popular

April 1993 all web protocols and related material released into the public domain shaping it into an entirely accessible protocol.

"information highway" v's "surf the web" (fluid, ephemeral, nodal)

Books to read if you are really interested : Janet Abbate - Inventing the Internet Hypertext 3.0
Berners-Lee - Weaving the Web

The activités for this week, I responded to on the DB.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Retrospective...part 1

I've decided, to blog up my notes for this unit thus far and until the end. I'm hoping that by doing this the information I now have somewhere in my brain really sticks, and also, I hope to help myself with Assignment 4 (more on that later).

It will be rather dry reading. For the weeks that are LONG ago, I think I will pretty much directly type up my notes...So let us begin...

WEEK 1: What's in a name?
Was I able to find a suitable username for each of the platforms mentioned...delicious, twitter, blogger, wordpress, flickr, linkedin, friendfeed?
Why, yes, I was. Many of these platforms have been my friend in the past and I was able to secure my preferred username.  Still, to this day, I haven't been able to get wordpress to work. I go, I download, and NADA. This is the main reason for my web presence assignment my main node is a blogger blog.

That was short - I might add WEEK 2, now...

WEEK 2 - What is the Internet?
Lecture notes (in retrospect don't make all that much sense to anyone except myself - sorry!)
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), World Wide Web and Cyberspace all separate and they are NOT the Internet. (although are all part of each other). TCP/IP - a way for networks to communicate and share information with other networks important verification.

Sputnik1 - 1957 1st made item launched and returned to earth

U.S in response created NASA and (D)ARPA (advanced research projects agency). ARPA was created to research and develop ways of keeping information away from the main site and to protect information.

Packet switching breaks files into manageable chunks, sending one piece at a time and sorting them into correct order at the other end.

Sep 2 1969 first 2 computers connected.
1984 - Domain Name System (DNS) -
Definition: The DNS translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses. DNS automatically converts the names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP addresses of Web servers hosting those sites.(

The activities for week 2 looked at routing in action. It was so interesting to see via how far you can virtually travel in a small amount of time. My results are on the uni discussion board.

The 2nd activity looked at who owns what on the internet. We used a site to who is at the other end of websites such as flickr, youtube,, and I looked up, that ended in France at an unknown location and finished up in Ireland, which is unusually to me, because I always thought that the label Zara was Spanish.

That's it for my physical notes. The tutorial also covered different file sharing  & communication protocols that make the internet useful, by utilising the network. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the protocol that allows email to be sent and received. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which allows files to be downloaded and looked at later.

Phew, I'm out.