Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is Web 2.0?

Just what you always ask yourself isn't it? What IS Web 2.0?!

And so begins week 4 of notes.....
To describe what Web 2.0, Web 1.0 was named (a retronym).
For example: Web 1
* promise of hyper textual interactivity
* largely read only web instead of the read-write dream
* static pages, websites only web designers could access and create.
Web 2
There is a web 2 tool for almost anything that people CAN DO. Web 2.0 was coined by Tim O'Reilly. Read Tim O'Reilly 'What is Web 2.0'

MP3.com - Napster
personal websites - blogging
brittanica online - wikipedia
publishing - participation
CMS (content management system) - Wikis
Directories (taxonomy) - Tagging (folksonomy)

There has been a conceptual shift in expectation of what the web can and should do

Andrew McAfee 'SLATES'
S - search
L - links
A - authoring (core transition web 1 - web 2)
T - Tags
E - Extensions (software anticipates preferences)
S - Signals

RSS - Really Simple Syndication
Separates the content from the form of a website. - information comes to you via a reader. Only changed sites produce a flag.
Web 2 is about participatory culture as the WWW was originally intended to be.

http//vimeo.com/9641036 - The State of The Internet (great graphics - full of great stats)

Web Presence Assignment.
- Central Node (core)
- 3 + contributing nodes
- About page- explain identity and theme
"Must convey your identity and a theme"
- EXEGESIS - explanation, justification. - why design? what it achieves? 1000 words essay-like format. APA reference. Use reference to help explain your choices, these references should include readings from the unit.
Contributing nodes - delicious, twitter, flickr, Linkedin - ANY applicable and appropriate Web 2.0 tools. Some examples of web presences: skycroser.net, tamaleaver.net, karencheng.com.au

Some characteristics of Web 2.0 (Best, 2006)
- A rich user experience: Web 2.0 sites typically offer the user an interactive experience. The shift toward seeing the web itself as a platform 'CLOUD COMPUTING'

'Architecture of Participation' (Tim O'Reilly)

Web 2.0 tools give us an 'I could do that too' feeling. Empowering the population

Metadata - Data about data

RSS - separating content from form, like in news headlines.
Standards get all the technologies working together creating a seamless user experience -> Ajax, XHTML, CSS & Javascript

read more from - Clay Shirky.
Check out Anthony Anderberg - History of the Internet and Web.

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